Sunday, April 27, 2008

Letter from Birmingham Jail- Martin Luther King Jr.

Perhaps one of the most influential pieces of writing I have read, Martin Luther King Jr. places his argument against the religious clergymen who thought that King's nonviolent protesting was taking measures thought to be too extreme. The clergymen urged King to stop his movement. Not only did King rebuttle their views with such potent words and powerful analogies, but he also was able to accomplish such a task behind bars.

Everytime I have read this letter, I find another great argument or point that King is trying convey to his reader. King writes, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" (500). His words strike true today--40 years after this letter was written. We have seen the injustice created in Sudan with the genocide and we hear and see photographs about the sex trade that plumets our society. We hear about the need to start taking more sustantative actions to preserve our environment---but are we, each and every one of us, doing anything about it? All of these issues that strike the conscience of the world's mind today are seen as injust. Just as the racial divide that segregated the country when King wrote his letter, our society will always be faced with unjust problems.

While reading this letter over again, I found reason to believe that King is looking for more radicals to help create a more peaceful and equal society. In fact, King compares himself to radicals seen throughout history including Jesus Christ. King expresses, "But though I was initially disappointed at being categorized as an extremist, as I continued to think about the matter I gradually gained a measure of satisfaction from the label. Was not Jesus an extremist for love...Amos an extremist for justice...Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel..." (509). He goes on to list many famous historical figures that we read in our textbooks year after year. And his point with each man that is listed simply gets stronger and stronger. Why are these men studied in our nation so fervently? It is because they were willing to take a risk and be seen as a radical--they were willing to make a difference.

While the risks we are willing to take do not have to be a momental as King, Paul, or Jesus Christ--we can make small steps towards a radical life. Only a few are meant and gifted enough to stand in line with these great men. However, our small actions can make a radical difference to those who know us. For example, if one feels strongly about perserving the environment, perhaps that individual will try not to drive and instead find optional transportation whether that be carpooling, using public transportation or by simply walking. Little things can be done to make a difference.

I truly admire King a little more every time I read this letter. His letter pours out the discontent that he sees and is flushed into words through the ignited passion that he possesses. While few may be able to reach the level that King has reached, each of us, as King expresses can help make a small difference to the injustice felt everywhere. Nothing is too insignificant when looking at creating a more just society.

Friday, April 11, 2008

"All's Not Well in the Land of 'The Lion King'" -Margaret Lazarus

I am convinced that our society sometimes has the propensity to over-analyze every fictional story in order to prove that it is not satisfactory for our children. Lazarus in her essay, "All's Not Well in Land of 'The Lion King,'" provides a review that unforunately finds the Disney classic to be full of stereotypes and complacent attitudes. For example, Lazarus points out that with Whoopie Goldberg as one of the hyenas with an inner-city dialect, one cannot help but compare those creatures in the film to that of the life in the ghettos. While discussing Scar's reign over the Pride Lands, she criticizes the lioness for not taking a stand against the evil lion.

These points may very well be true, however, other than her boys, who apparently found these errors, no child will care or even think about these things. Disney movies always provide a wise balance between adult humor and children entertainment, in order to attract all audiences. With this in mind, it is also important to remember that Disney is in the business of creating fictional, fun entertainment. Do you think Jay Leno thinks about how he may be creating a biase feeling when cracking a joke about a presidential candidate? Did Hans Christian Anderson consider religious confusions while creating fictional characters that deal with magical things?

If Lazarus has a problem with the "Lion King," I cannot imagine how her feelings would be about other children modern-classics such as "Harry Potter" and the "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." Her assumptions about how this simple Disney movie will affect her children's psychological development is absurd. Perhaps Lazarus should be more concerned with other factors that play into a child's growth.

Lazarus fails to realize that many good themes are portrayed in the movie, which I am sure will be more prevelant to a child, than Disney's stereotypical characters full of complacent attitudes. For instance, take the idea of friendship. Tumon and Pumba stood by their lion friend even when things were dark, evil and scary. It's a film about accepting life's changing ways, coping with death, making friends, and, of course, like every Disney movie, a little love. Certainly it is these things that a child can take away, as well as the easy to sing-along music and funny lines exuded in the movie. Some things just should not be over-analyzed and 'Lion King' is one of them.

"Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzalez-A Review

Folk rock artist, Jose Gonzalez leaves his listeners with another soothing and simplistic hit. The sultry lyrics of "Heartbeats," which questions a torn-love, is packed full of poetic language to engage in. Most artists today seem to lack the depth needed in their songs. With lines such as, "And you, kept us awake with wolves teeth//Sharing different heartbeats//In one night," listeners are aware that Gonzalez has a creative written talent. His music also surpasses the talent of the mundane artist. While it may see very simplistic, it is this very use of skill that brings out the complexity of the lyrics. Having both a powerful and complex melody with strong lyrics can most often be too much. Gonzalez's relaxing broken-chord progressions in the lower register of the guitar provides the perfect balance. While Gonzalez may not have the best voice, it is this almost-ameteaur sound that provides a realistic artist that many listeners may be attracted to because of its common tone. This certainly is not the song one may be looking for to be put in a cheery mood, yet it offers the perfect avenue of comfort for all those heartbroken souls.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

"The E-Learning Curve"- Glenn C. Altschuler

While both essays that I have read in the investigative section, deal with electronics, I find one to grasp my attention more successfully and to hold more clarity than the other. "Altschuler's essay, "The E-Learning Curve," takes more of an objective approach than Skow's "Lost in Cyberspace". The author manages to write the facts, showing both sides of the story with very few opinions. I think that I would deem his essay much more investigatory than the other.

With this in mind, I must also admit that I found the specific topic within technology much more interesting than the conflict that Skow tried to conquer. Altschuler discusses the effectiveness of using the internet to take classes. These online courses seem to be the new trend in our culture. In fact, as Altschuler states, "With 90,000 nontraditional students enrolled, the University of Phoenix is not the largest private university in the United States" (245).

While this type of learning obviously attracts many people for the convenience that is offers, I think that I would highly avoid using this tactic to enhance my own knowledge and education. As Altschuler explains in his article, having online courses that can be done at the individual's own convenience, means that for the many procrastinators out there, nothing will ever be done until the last minute. Another factor that I agree with is the lack of personal interaction an online course provides. One cannot engage in a stimulating conversation about a certain topic, which I believe is a vital process of learning. Hearing other people's opinions, looking at the facts, and trying to form your own, is a great part of education. We are meant to learn to think for ourselves. However, with online courses, all one has to do is simply regurgitate material in essay format without any discussions from the professor or fellow classmates.

Furthermore, without that interaction, it becomes easier for a person to simply become a hermit and never leave their room to venture into the outside world. While college is mainly established for educational purposes, relationship building becomes another essential key to academic success. Learning how to cope with different people (by living with different roommates, working on group projects, etc.) is an imperative skill that everyone needs while entering the workforce. As Altschuler states, "Not every student can (or wants to) leave family and work, but those who do tend to complete degrees at a higher rate than those who don't" (247). This proven merely for the diverse amount of interaction a student receives when attending an university as opposed to taking online courses in the comfort of mom and dad's home.

I think that these online courses have good intentions, but when used by the wrong audience, can produce more negative impacts than positive ones. Groups of people that perhaps would benefit greatly from these online courses would be adults who have received a degree or have a job and are trying to obtain another degree to reach a higher level job or start on a different career path. This program may be beneficial for the single mother working at a convenient store who needs the flexibility to take the courses when she has the time, which could be late at night after putting her children to sleep.

Surely, these online courses can be helpful in society when used on the right population of people. Students freshly out of high school and learning to become mature adults should, however, consider learning in a colligate environment and avoid these online courses.